Sunday, April 24, 2011

The Loaves and Fishes, Jesus feeds us grace, Sacraments

Scott Pauline
The Orthodox, in schism, only refuse to listen to Peter, but they still listen to and have the ORAL word of God. But the heretics, not only do they not listen to Peter, but to ANY Apostolic Successor. They listen only to the written word and try to see what it means apart from the Church.

We, as the Catholic Church, draw from the same deposit of Tradition as the Orthodox. It is just that Peter has this tradition in full.

That is why I believe it was written in the stories of the loaves and fishes, that in one case, Jesus fed 5000 persons and in another 4,000.  Why?  Because the Apostles left **5** Sees, and **4** of them left the supreme See Peter, who is only **1**.  And yet, because Peter is the fullness of apostolicity in himself, his kingdom in the West is like 5000, so that the kingdom of Christendom in the East is like 4,000, the four Sees that left Peter, just like the 10 tribes of the North left the true king and his two tribes in the South, in the Old Testament Schism  (remember, the 12 apostles fulfill the 12 tribes of the OT).

But then, look at this:  to the 4,000, Christ fed **7** loaves and a few fish.  What might that mean?  Well, do not the Orthodox have all SEVEN sacraments, but fish a little, that is, are tossed to and fro a little in doctrine because they lack the fullness of doctrinal stability in Peter, who is the immovable rock?  For consider that the loaves were made of BARLEY, which can only be grown in the EARTH,  or GROUND, and didn't St. Paul tell Timothy that the CHURCH, is the pillar and GROUND of the truth, in so far as the Apostolic Successors, the Bishops, pass on that ORAL Word of God, the Sacred Tradition, which gives them the certain FOUNDATION of understanding the true MEANING of Scripture? And that only those men ordained by valid Apostolic Successors, like Orthodox and Catholic priests, can give the sacraments in general? 

But in the West, Peter's kingdom of 5,000,  those that came out of the Church, the heretics, the Protestants, have not even loaves. They only have two fish, Baptism and Marriage. They have no earth from which the stability of loaves can be made of its barely. They have no Tradition or Bishops to tell them, LIKE PAUL, what the MEANING of Scripture is. So then, as in 3,000 primary denominations, they are all over the map, to and fro on doctrine. Their lot is only to fish, and they cannot eat the five loaves, Confession, Confirmation, Eucharist, Holy Orders, and Anointing that Peter and the other 4,000 have, that require the earth of Apostolic Succession to possess.

The loaves and the fish, these are the sacraments, which feed us grace, apart from which we would starve.

Why? Because even if a man works for "200 days", which is 200 thousand years of a thousand years of wages (a day is as a thousand years and a thousand years as a day), or 20,000 times 10,000 men of work, or battle, as in apocalypse sixth trumpet (second half of Apocalypse 9), what will he gain but to kill a third of man supernaturally? For in the end, what is a thousand years of a thousand years of NATURAL laboring for righteousness but the laboring of a sinner, who in a natural condition can merit nothing (who then can be saved? With man, this is impossible, but with GOD, all things are possible)? For the wages of sin is death.

That is why I think St. Phillip said, at the time that they had only **5** loaves and **2** fish, "Lord, even with 200 days wages, we could never afford to feed even a little to everyone," which would seem to imply that we could work naturally of our own efforts and never gain any merit in God's eyes. No man can merit supernatural love or power from God, nor assistance. Only God can create it from nothing, like Jesus did with the loaves and fishes, and give it freely to man out of His love an compassion for man.

The wages of a natural sinner is death, just as the army of 20,000 times 10,000 of that apocalypse sixth trumpet only killed the third of man spiritually, taking away supernatural love of God and telling man that he can be good on his own power, like the Pelagian, whom we both agree was a heretic, like the soldiers of the so-called Enlightenment, who said, man needs no revelation from God [rationalist] nor any saving Intervention from God [the deists].

Indeed, the army of these merely naturally good heretics of the world (10 is a symbol of the world and heretics have 2 Sacraments, so that worldly heresies is like 2*10 and pure worldliness is like just 10, so that Enlightenment, which was first worldly heresies then pure worldliness, is like 2*10*10, or 200 ) of the so called Enlightenment was to destroy supernatural love and dependence on God in a great portion of what was Christendom. That is, they KILLED a great portion of man in a spiritual sense, a SUPERNATURAL sense.

Similarly, in a parable of the Christ, he says, are you going to build a tower and not have enough to complete it? Or go up against an army of 20,000 and you yourself have only 10,000? Better to call a truce. Earlier he says, you must be prepared to give up even natural relationships of immediate family for the sake of the supernatural.

All this seems to convey at least this much, which all Christians know: no man of his own power can ever please God on his own merits, nor can any man find happiness in mere natural goodness, or the things of this world. And hence, no mere natural relationships of literal mother and father and son and daughter can ever be enough to fill the human longing (if you love those who love you, what good is that? )

Similarly, the world thought it would find that ultimate thing at Babel, the tower. It was never finished because, firstly, it would never be enough anyway. Similarly, even if the powers that waged wars in empire after empire, decided to call a truce and try once again to build a unified world utopia, as in pagan Rome, or as now, the European world that no longer fights against one another in the world wars, but calls a truce and places its faith in secular messianism, a selfish and perverse cooperation as at Babel, it will never be enough.

Similarly, then, with all this natural goodness, or grandeur, it will neither be enough to satisfy the longing of the human heart, the hearts of the 5000 or the 4000, who needed grace of love from God to be happy, nor would they ever be able to please God from the natural resources of two hundred days wages, or, since, again, a day is as a thousand years and a thousand years as a day, 200 thousand thousand times a thousand of natural wages.

Christ needed to draw food from nothing, the food of grace, even as sanctifying grace, as taught by Rome, is a finite, created participation in God's life and love within the Trinity, from nothing, and this alone can feed the heart with power to please God and to be fulfilled. That is why, I think, Jesus multiplied the loaves and fishes, and their conglomerate respective numbers are SEVEN, like the Sacraments. For the Sacraments are the supreme source of grace.

And schismatics have all SEVEN of them, they just toss to and fro a little in doctrine without Peter, that is, they have a few fish.

But the heretics, they are only tossed to and fro, they have no stability of the GROUND of truth, which is the Church and tradition, that would help them understand what those Scriptures mean. For this reason, they can only fish, and the fish they have is but TWO, Baptism and Marriage. As for the five loaves, which are made from barely, alone which can be made from earth, or GROUND of truth, apostolic succession and tradition, they have them not, they have not the Sacraments that require the GROUND of stability, Successors of the Apostles, the five sacraments that comfort the soul with inner peace:  Confession, Confirmation, Eucharist, Holy Orders, and the Anointing!

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